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Savannah Smith


Savannah Smith joined our team in August, 2020. She has a Medical Assistant Certificate in the human medical industry, but says that a lot of the skills learned for that role help her with her responsibilities as a Veterinary Assistant. She's currently working on a liberal arts degree. She likes being hands-on with animals, and helping owners leave the hospital feeling more comfortable and happy about their pet. “I love animals. It makes me feel happy at end of day to have a chance to be with them while I work.”

Savannah enjoys outdoor activities like hiking and swimming with her 2 children, Ridley, her 2-year-old son, and Rosemary, her 10-month-old daughter. Savannah also enjoys crafts like crocheting and making jewelry. Savannah has 2 cats, a brother and sister named Denali and Maizey Blue.